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Illinois Just Got Called WHAT by the British?
Illinois Just Got Called WHAT by the British?
Illinois Just Got Called WHAT by the British?
I'll share something with you as soon as I stop laughing which might be awhile. OK, I think I'm ready now. What I'm about to state is as true as it is funny. Illinois was just named the most dysfunctional state in America by the British.
9 Wisconsin Hospitals Given a Perfect A Grade for Patient Safety
9 Wisconsin Hospitals Given a Perfect A Grade for Patient Safety
9 Wisconsin Hospitals Given a Perfect A Grade for Patient Safety
I've been fortunate to have nothing but positive experiences at the hospitals I've received care from. Not everyone is so fortunate. The most fundamental thing a hospital should do for you is to keep you safe. In Wisconsin, only 9 hospitals were given a perfect A grade for patient safety.
Wisconsin Man Terrified When All Animals are Silent Except for 1
Wisconsin Man Terrified When All Animals are Silent Except for 1
Wisconsin Man Terrified When All Animals are Silent Except for 1
As you may be aware, there are many places in Wisconsin that aren't near anything and that's a good thing for most of us. However, one Wisconsin man who lives in a remote part of the state was terrified when he suddenly heard all the animals in the forest around him go silent with the exception of one creature he could not identify.

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