Sedalia Public Library

Prombie Apocalypse
Prombie Apocalypse
Prombie Apocalypse
As we've been talking about for a while, local author Angela Roquet put out a new book for young adults called "Crazy Ex Ghoulfriend." She and her group organized a big party for the teenagers of our area, complete with karaoke, music, snacks, prizes and contests. It was at the Convention Hall on Saturday (Oct. 19) and I went to check it out.
Prombie Apocalypse Brings Frightening Fun to Sedalia This Saturday
Prombie Apocalypse Brings Frightening Fun to Sedalia This Saturday
Prombie Apocalypse Brings Frightening Fun to Sedalia This Saturday
There's going to be a new event coming up this weekend that promises to be tons of fun for anybody with a bit of a flair for the macabre side of Halloween. I know zombies are particularly popular in our modern age; everything from The Walking Dead to Sprint commercials and practically every other movie these days is zombie related.  Now the zombies are coming to Sedalia, and it'll be this Saturday