Twin Peaks

The 10 Best TV Shows of 2017 (So Far)
The 10 Best TV Shows of 2017 (So Far)
The 10 Best TV Shows of 2017 (So Far)
Six of the choices from last year either delayed airdates or ended outright, so let’s do some damage before Emmy season! ScreenCrush carves through 2017’s most memorable for all the Tales, Lies, Dicks and Unfortunate Events that had our TVs buzzing.
So, Wait, Now David Lynch Says He’s Actually Not Done With Cinema (Maybe)
So, Wait, Now David Lynch Says He’s Actually Not Done With Cinema (Maybe)
So, Wait, Now David Lynch Says He’s Actually Not Done With Cinema (Maybe)
To paraphrase baseball great and latter-day Confucius figure Yogi Berra: it ain’t over ’til David Lynch states in non-ambiguous language that it’s over, and even then, you can never be too sure. As if from on high, the esteemed filmmaker has handed down to we mere mortal a new season of his cult-beloved TV series Twin Peaks, but his fans know full well that the good Lynch giveth and the good Lynch taketh away. For even as he was givething us new TV, the fear persisted that he had takethed away any hope of another feature film in the future.
Showtime ‘Twin Peaks’ Revival Probably Won’t Curse, Go Too Adult
Showtime ‘Twin Peaks’ Revival Probably Won’t Curse, Go Too Adult
Showtime ‘Twin Peaks’ Revival Probably Won’t Curse, Go Too Adult
Close to thirty years will have passed when Twin Peaks resurrects on Showtime, to say nothing of how broadcast and cable standards have changed. Still, don’t expect the 2017 revival to undergo any graphic overhaul, as Showtime bosses reveal David Lynch is “taking advantage of cable freedoms,” but “David’s pretty clean.”

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